Born in 1968, Kazakh, the native of Abay village of of Lugovsky (T. Ryskulov) district of Zhambyl oblast. Has higher education. In 1993 graduated from the Al-Farabi Kazakh state national university in "Mechanics and applied mathematics" specialty, in 2006 - Almaty academy of economy and statistics in "Finance" specialty. Served in the military forces of the USSR (1986-1988).
After graduating the university worked as the tax inspector, chief of the Zhambyl tax inspection department (1993-1996); adviser of the first deputy of Akim of Zhambyl oblast (1996); chief of sector of administration of Zhambyl oblast Akim (1997); director of Zhambyl oblast branch of the RSE "State Center for Pensions Payment" (1997-2008); chairman of Committee on control and social protection of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2008-2009); vice-Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2009-2012); deputy head of Office of the Prime minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2012-2015). Since June 01, 2015 he holds the post of Vice Minister of health and social development of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Awarded by the medal "10 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (2001), medal "10 years of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (2005), order "Kurmet" (2013).