Ramadan Bimashevich Suleimenov - the doctor of historical sciences, professor, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR (1989), winner of the first name Ch.Ch. Prize (1973). Founder and first Director of the Centre of Oriental Studies (now University) in Almaty.
Ramadan Suleimenov born February 17, 1931 in Akmolinsk. His father Bimash still in pre-revolutionary years of close contact with Saken Seifullin, consisted of the youth organization "Zhas kazak".
Ramadan in KazNU attended the lectures of the first Kazakh doctor of historical sciences, professor Ermuhan Bekmakhanov, who returned from prison and continued his teaching career at the University as the first head of the department "History of Kazakhstan". With honors university young specialist received in 1956 and the recommendation to graduate school.
His supervisor at the graduate Institute of History, Archaeology and Ethnography became a classic of world literature, academician Mukhtar Auezov Omarkhanovich. Insistence of the great writer to the students, his reverent attitude toward science had a decisive influence on the formation of human and professional qualities of the young specialist. In addition, after the XX Congress of the CPSU Khrushchev's "thaw" liberated scientific thought from dogmas and canons of Stalinism. In this regard, the mood "Sixties" was characteristic of Ramazan Bimashevichu.
Defending his thesis 15 April 1961 attended MOAuezov, and the first official opponent was himself Ermuhan Bekmahanov - the first chairman of the Academic Council of KSU for PhD theses on history.
Interest and affection to the problems of cultural development of society R.Suleymenov retained for life. He paid special attention to studying the role of personality in history. Al-Farabi, Ablai Khan, Ciocan Valikhanov, Sanjar Asfendiarov, Temirbek Zhurgenev, Turar Ryskulov and others.
Integrity, high morals Ramazan Bimashevicha organically inherent in it, manifested in the fact that he, as director of the Institute of History, Archaeology and Ethnography of Ch.Ch. and academician-secretary of the Department of Social Sciences of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR, was actively involved in the rehabilitation of Shakarim Kudaiberdiev , Magzhan Zhumabaev, Jusipbek Aimautov, Mirzhakyp Dulatov and Ahmet Baitursynov. A lot of work he has put the case of naming Sanjar Asfendiarova Almaty Medical Institute named after Ahmet Baitursynov - Institute of Linguistics. He was one of the founders of the Institute of Archaeology and assigning him the Academician Alkei Khakan Margulan.
Ramadan Suleimenov wrote a number of original works on Orientalism, including the book "Shokan Valikhanov - Orientalist", "Kazakhstan, Middle and Central Asia in XVI-XVIII centuries." "From the XVIII in the history of Kazakhstan. (On foreign and domestic policy Ablai "), received high praise of domestic and foreign researchers.
February 13, 1992 he won the opening Specialized Scientific Center of Oriental Studies, and became its first director. This momentous event occurred in the difficult formative years of independent Kazakhstan, the strengthening of bilateral relations. "Personnel hunger" center slaked pupils academician whose talents he was "fine tuning" of his colleagues in the specialized centers of Moscow, Leningrad, Tashkent, Dushanbe, Vladivostok, because at that time in Kazakhstan did not exist Treasury Faculty of Oriental Studies.
Among the talented students of his alma mater, where he taught part-time for twenty years, I have prepared several doctors of historical sciences and 30 candidates of sciences. The scientific school contributed to the reorganization of the Centre of Oriental Studies, after the sudden death of Ramazan Bimashevicha March 23, 1992, as an independent institution. In 1996, the Government of Kazakhstan named after Academician R.B.Suleymenov Oriental Institute.