Yerlan Sydykov Battashevitch - 60!
Yerlan Sydykov Battashevitch born February 29, 1956 in the city of Semipalatinsk (now Semey). In 1973 he graduated from high school named Abai village Sentry Abay district, in the same year he entered the Faculty of History named after SM Kazakh State University Kirov, who graduated in 1978. From 1978 to 1980 he worked as a trainee-researcher of the Department of Social Sciences of the Semipalatinsk Technological Institute of Meat and Dairy Industry, from 1980 to 1981 - assistant of the department.
In September 1981, he studied at the graduate school of Kazakh State University named after Kirov, in February 1984 he defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of historical sciences.
From September 1984 to January 1996 he worked at the Semipalatinsk Technological Institute of meat and dairy industry as an assistant, senior lecturer, associate professor, deputy dean, head of department, professor, vice-rector.
In July 1996 he was appointed adviser of department of public service and work with the staff of the Republic of Kazakhstan Government Office.
October 15, 1999 defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic "Kazakhstan in the Russian Federation (1917-1937)".
From June 1997 to April 2004 he worked as the rector of Semipalatinsk State University named after Shakarim.
Decision RC WAC January 25, 2001 was awarded the title of professor, in 2003 he was elected an academician of the International Academy of Pedagogical Education Sciences, in 2005 - an academician of the Kazakh Academy of Education. S. Altynsarin. Academician of the Kazakhstan National Academy of Natural Sciences.
Over the years, it has trained more than 100 scientific and methodological articles, 3 textbooks, 4 monographs.
Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan five pedagogical institutes have been established in the country, and in April 2004 he was appointed Rector of the Semipalatinsk State Pedagogical Institute. From July 2008 to July 2011 he was Rector of the Semipalatinsk State University named after Shakarim.
On July 26, 2011 Order of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan approved by the Rector of the Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyov.
He was chairman of the joint dissertation council on specialty "History of Russia", the deputy of the East Kazakhstan regional maslikhat of three convocations, a member of the National Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Since December 2011 - Chairman of the National Congress of historians, in January 2012 he was elected deputy of the city maslikhat of V convocation, Astana, 13 March 2012 - Member of the Political Council of Astana city branch of "Nur Otan".
He was awarded the badge "Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (2001), medals "10 years of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (2001), "10 years of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (2005), the name of the medal is expected. Altynsarin (2004), silver medal. A.Baitursynov (2004), medal "For merits in development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (2007), the Order of "Parasat" (2010), Jubilee Medal "20 Years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (2011).
He was awarded the title of "Kazakhstan Yenbek sinirgen kairatkeri" (2005).
By the decision of the International Biographical Centre Commission (Cambridge, England) awarded the title of "outstanding scientist of the world" for their invaluable contribution to the development of science and education (2008). Honorary Citizen of the East Kazakhstan region (2009), honorary citizen of Abay district of East Kazakhstan region (2011).
Wife Yerlan Batttashevicha - Shyryn Kurmanbaeva, a graduate of the KazNU, the rector of the Kazakh Humanitarian Law Innovative University, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor.
Alumni Association of the KazNU named after Al-Farabi Kazakh National University congratulates on the jubilee Yerlan Batttashevich and wished good health and success in the field of education and science!