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Presentation of the book "Archaeological Verification and Historical Identification of the Remains of Victims of Political Repression in the Village of Zhanalyk, Almaty Region: Interdisciplinary Research".

The State Historical and Cultural Reserve-Museum "Issyk" of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Faculty of History of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University present a joint monograph "Archaeological verification and historical identification of remains of victims of political repression in the village of Zhanalyk, Almaty region: interdisciplinary research".

The collective monograph is based on the scientific research of archaeologists, historians, archivists, criminologists, forensic experts, geneticists, and includes field (archaeological), archival and laboratory research, as well as memoirs and other materials of victims of repression and the Great Terror.

Using the methods of forensic archaeology and forensic anthropology, fragments of the repressive policy in Kazakhstan are reconstructed: the last days of the "enemies of the people", the execution of the sentence, the instruments of "murder" are reconstructed and studied, the personal belongings of the prisoners are examined, anatomical materials are described, the racial characteristics of the executed citizens, their approximate age and height, etc. are determined.

The main part of the book consists of material on forensic archaeology and anthropology. The results of genetic analyses of the repressed citizens (about 50 people) are included in the annexes.

The collective monograph is a book with an additional interactive application (QR code), contains:

- audio materials about the goals and objectives of the programme, scientific novelty and significance, etc.;

- results of genetic analyses of repressed citizens (about 50 people);

- video films about repression in Kazakhstan, the work done by specialists, etc.

The publication is intended for scientists and researchers dealing with the problems of the history of the twentieth century, teaching staff of universities, young scientists, doctoral students, masters and students of universities, teachers and students of secondary educational organisations.


Presentation of the book will be held on 24.04.2024, at 11.00 in the N. Dauletova Hall of the National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


Applications for participation of mass media representatives can be submitted by phone number: +7747505541

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Date of publication: 4/24/2024