This year, the Council of the Alumni Association of the Faculty of Geography and Environmental Management held an annual traditional meeting of alumni online on the ZOOM platform
Graduates of the anniversary years, well-known specialists in their field, were invited to this meeting. The moderator of the event was Dean of the Faculty of Geography and Environmental Sciences, Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor Salnikov V.G.
The program of the online conference was opened with congratulations from the rector of Al-FarabiKazNU Mutanov GalymkairMutanovich and the President of the KazNU Alumni Association, Doctor of Law, Professor, 1981’syear graduate of the faculty of law Mami KairatAbdrazakovich.
During the meeting, the project of the Al-FarabiKazNU Alumni Association «Mentoring: an opportunity that everyone can have»was discussed. All participants of the meeting noted that this project would support and contribute to its further development.
Welcoming speeches were made by the Director of the Institute of Geography and Water Security of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, academician of the NAS of the Republic of Kazakhstan, twice laureate of the State Prize in Science and Technology named after Al-Farabi (2013, 2019), Medeu AkhmetkalRakhmatullaevich, former chief geologist of the Lisakovsky Mining beneficiation plant Alimzhanova GulbahramMazhitovna, head of the tourism development department of the tourism management of the city of Almaty Eschanova Akmaral, graduate of the faculty, general director of the RSE “Kazhydromet”, permanent representative to the High Command of Kazakhstan Alimbaeva Danara Kizatovna, Head of the Department of geography, land management and cadastre, Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor Nyusupova GulnaraNurmukhamedovna, andYesnazarovaUlzhalgasAmzeevna- Doctor of pedagogical Sciences, Professor, honored worker of Kazakhstan, head of the Republican school of geography, RAE «Honored worker of science and education», academician of the Russian Academy of Sciencesmade a speech, Head of the Department of Meteorology and Hydrology, Ph.D., Acting Professor PolyakovaSvetlana Evgenevna, Professor of the Department of Geography, Land Management and Cadastre Temirbekov AmangeldyTazhievich, Deputy Director of the Institute of Geography and Water Security of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, State Prize in Science and Technology named after Al-Farabi (2019) AlimkulovSayatKurmanbaevichand etc.
The head of the Water Resources Laboratory of the Institute of Geography and Water Security of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, laureate of the Al-Farabi State Prize in Science and Technology (2019) TursunovaAisuluAlashevna made a welcoming speech. During her speech, in a humorous form, she was able to slightly dilute the official tone of the event:
A large bird flies across the sky, majestically and smoothly flapping its huge wings. A small bird is flying nearby, scurrying and chirping:
- Where are we going, huh?
Nevertheless, nothing answers big bird....
- Where are we going, huh?
The big bird turns its head slowly:
This instructive joke emphasizes the importance of the role of scientific consultants for young people on the path of science, only by leading them and helping them to conquer the highest peaks in the world of life, people become true teachers.
Also, a congratulatory speech was made by the professor of the department of geography, land management and cadastre Esnazarova U.A., executive director of the National Sports Association of the Republic of Kazakhstan, laureate of the State Youth Prize “Daryn”, graduate of the presidential program “Bolashak” Zhaksybay Rakhat, PhD, acting Associate Professor of the Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics –Asylbekova A.A., specialist of the cadastre of the registration and land cadastre department of the Enbekshi district branch of the State Government for Citizens Corporation Soltanbekov D.S., director of the “Clever-tour” Travel agency Gubaidullina A., chief specialist Department of State Ecological Control of the Department of Ecology of the Kyzylorda Region, graduate of the faculty Bektibaev K.
In the final part, the poetic congratulation was performed by the chief specialist of the department of subsoil use and water resources, natural resources management and environmental regulation in Atyrau region GakkuKarimovna:
Бес жыл бұрын түлеп ұштық ҚазҰУ-ден,
Жырақтамыз ұстаз, шәкірт бір жүрген.
Жиі-жиі хабарласып тұрайық,
Шектелмейік бүгінгідей бір күнмен.
Курстастар кешегі арман жетелер-
Қазір бір-бір аналар мен әкелер.
Баршаңызға бар жақсыны тіледім,
Мақсаттардың билігіне жете бер.
Көңіл болды сағыныштан босаған,
Сыйластықпен сұлу әркез осы адам.
Бас-басыңа бергей Аллам амандық,
Жүздескенше болыңыздар, қош, аман!!!
Atyrau city
May 30, 2020
At the online meeting, participants shared their wishes, thoughts, suggestions, agreements were reached to support new university projects to modernize and improve the educational process. In conclusion, a collective musical on-line composition from the graduates of the University of different years «Armandastar» was heard.
It is gratifying that, despite the extraordinary situation, the meeting was successful.
Ahead - new horizons of cooperation of former students with alma mater.