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Kaznu is the path to a brighter future

Kaznu is the path to a brighter future



May 27, 2017, the annual Graduate’s Day was held in the walls of our university. From the very early morning, our town was filled with graduates not only in 2017, but also graduates who graduated from the university 10-50 years ago. It was very pleasant and touching that, the alma mater graduates visited and pleased us with their presence. I am infinitely grateful to my university, which has provided us, the youth, with all the conditions for obtaining high-quality knowledge. Being today in the walls of the Palace of students. Zholdasbekov, I was visited by sad thoughts that 4 years have flown by very quickly. But these were and will be the best years of my life. Observing the graduates who graduated from the university many years ago, found a place in life, made a decision, as well as they make an invaluable contribution to the development of our country and our university. I express my great gratitude to the Graduate Association of our University, for the support they provide and they show a good example for the subsequent graduates.




Kurmangazina Akmaral


Student of the faculty of chemistry and chemical technology

Date of publication: 6/16/2017