Rector of the Kazakh National University Al-Farabi,
Academician G.M.Mutanov
ave.al-Farabi, 71
Almaty city,
Fax: 8 (727) 3773344
Dear Galimkair Mutanovich!
The Institute of Geography of the 80 graduates working in a team of Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi twelve researchers have certificates signed by KSU Rector Umirbek Arislanovicha Dzholdasbekov.
For all of us in the celebration of the KazNU to honor the 85th anniversary of U.A.Dzholdasbekov - it is an occasion to remember the great merits before Fatherland doctor of technical sciences, professor, academician of the Academy of the Kazakh SSR Academy of Sciences, an outstanding scientist-engineer, prominent state, public and political figure, a major organizer of science and higher education, Honored Scientist of the Kazakh SSR, laureate of the State Prize of the Kazakh SSR.
The name of the rector of KazSU U.A.Dzholdasbekov we associate the best teachers demanded graduates, talented scientists, eminent sportsmen, KazGUGrad - best student campus in the country and the Palace of students. Alumni Association has erected a monument, and tomorrow the hall of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics will be named Umirbek Arislanovicha. This is how the history of the university, multiplied tradition. We will always remember the name of Academician Dzholdasbekova U.A., our Teachers and support our Alma Mater!
Director of the Institute of Geography,
Doctor of Geographical Sciences, professor, corresponding member of NAS RK,
State Prize winner, a graduate of the KazNU in 1977