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To Rector of the Kazakh National University. Al-Farabi, Academician G.M.Mutanov
Dear Galymkair Mutanovich!
Welcomed the graduates of the Kazakh State University named after academician assignment Umirbek Arislanovich Joldasbekov hall of Mechanics and Mathematics Faculty, the appointment of scholarships to the best students of the Faculty. In this we see the continuity of generations, the multiplication of the traditions of our Alma Mater, under your leadership. Kazakh State University under the direction of Umirbek Arislanovich Joldasbekov was recognized as one of the best universities of the Soviet Union. We, the graduates of 1972 have learned during his principalship. Until today, our native Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi Kazakh National University is the flagship of national education! And we - University Kainar be equal to it! We wish the further progressive development of the University and the continuation of the case Umirbek Arislanovich - our outstanding teachers and teachings, citizen and patriot of his country!
Yours faithfully, Rector “Kaynar” University Erengaip Omarov