Amirhan Syrgalbaevich
Senior Counsellor of Justice. Colonel of financial police (2005). Honorary Worker of Public Prosecutor of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2009).
Yestaev was born in 13 November 1959 in the village Vannovka Tulkubas district of South Kazakhstan region. In 1977 he entered and in 1982 graduated from the Kazakh State University Law Faculty. With commendable feature of the graduate begins his career as an intern, a senior assistant prosecutor of Zhanatas, then the Central area of the city Jambul (now - Taraz). He worked as deputy prosecutor Kurdayskogo district chief prosecutor's department of Zhambyl region, the prosecutor of the Railway district of Zhambyl (1982-1986).
Since 1998, it proceeds to the Prosecutor General: Senior Prosecutor, Head of the Department until 1999. Head of the sector of state-legal department of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan (1999-2000), First Deputy of the Chief Military Prosecutor of Kazakhstan (2000-2002), deputy, first deputy prosecutor of the South Kazakhstan region (2002-2005), Head of Department for Combating Economic and corruption crimes in Akmola oblast (2005-2006), in April 2006 - on the Atyrau region in February-March 2009 - Almaty. From May 2009 to 2014 - Almaty city prosecutor, and then - advisor to the rector of Kazakh National University Al-Farabi.
Yestaev awarded "Dank" II medal (2007) medal.