Alexander Yurievich
Born April 30, 1961 in Chigirin Cherkasy region (Ukraine).
He graduated in 1983, faculty of journalism of the Kazakh State University named after SM. Kirov.
After graduation he worked as a correspondent, head of the department of the newspaper "Lenin change" (1983-1987); Officer Magazine "Arap - Dawn" (1987-1991); Deputy. Chief Editor of "Suhbat - Position" (1991); "Asia" newspaper columnist (1992-1994); 1994 - Head of the Department, since 1998 - first deputy chief editor, since May 2002 - Vice-President of JSC "Republican Newspaper" Kazakhstanskaya Pravda ", now - the president of JSC" Republican Newspaper "Kazakhstanskaya Pravda ".
Already in the first months of work by Alexander Yurevich on the new positions colleagues were convinced that the main newspaper of the country runs a successful manager and versatile journalist.
Today, "Kazakhstanskaya Pravda" boasts one of the largest circulation dailies. A great success Tarakova can assume that the main newspaper of the republic confirms this high rank of the true professionalism of journalists, state approach, involvement in the fate of the country. "Kazakhstanskaya Pravda" writes the history of independence in the on-line and is always listed as the first lines of the republican media rankings.
Alexander Tarakova great merit is a personal example of active creativity, although he published a lot of the administrative workload, the newspaper continues to go analytical reviews, agricultural reports, portraits, sketches, ironic parallels. Bright journalism A.Tarakova always causes sincere interest readers of all professions and generations. The most successful materials in recent years entered a new book by Alexander Yurevich "On the ground, the earth and countrymen" and "Nicks Iroquois", published in kazpravdinskoy series.
For his great contribution to the formation of a democratic press Aleksandr Yurevich won the main award in the field of media - Prize of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In today's credit as state award - the Order "Kurmet" (1999) and four medals. Recognition colleagues confirm the title of academician of the Academy of Journalism and the prize of the Union of Journalists of Kazakhstan.
A good tradition in tarakovskom works - publishing of books, which he often pleases the readers - "The age of the crane", "Eclipse of the Sun", "Terra Terrarium", "attraction of virgin land," "Before and after the millennium."
Chairman of the Board of the Joint Stock Company "Republican newspaper" Kazakhstanskaya Pravda "(01.2014-09.2016);
· Deputy Chairman of the Board of JSC "Republican newspaper" Kazakhstanskaya Pravda "(09.2016-12.2016);
· Director of the Republican State Institution "Kogamdyk Kelisim" under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (from 12.2016)