Rahman Alshanovich
Born September 13, 1947 in with. Berlik Moyinkum district of Zhambyl region. After graduating from high school Alshanov became a teacher, worked at a sugar factory Chu served in anti-aircraft missile troops, worked Kokterekskom sovhozrabkoope.
In 1969-1974 gg. He studied at the department of political economy, philosophical and economic faculty of Kazakh State University named after SM Kirov. In 1973-1984 gg. He was elected secretary of the Komsomol Committee, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the University, while working as an assistant, senior lecturer, associate professor of KazSU. He organized many youth, social events, encouraged by diplomas, awarded the medal "For development of virgin lands", diploma of the Supreme Council of the Kazakh SSR, the Order of Friendship of Peoples.
Elected to the regional, city, regional and Komsomol Central Committee, member of the district council, a member of its executive committee.
In 1986-1987 gg. - Dean of the Philosophical Faculty of Economics KSU. In 1988-1992 yy. - Director of the National Institute of Advanced Training of Cultural Workers, was elected president of the Creative Union of Kazakhstan Cultural Workers.
In 1992 he initiated the establishment of the first private universities in Kazakhstan "Turan" permanent rector of which he is today.
Professor RA Alshanov actively participates in public life of higher education institutions. In 1999-2002 gg. - President of the Association of non-state universities.
In 2001 he was elected president of the Association of accredited higher education institutions of the republic.
All these years, Rahman Alshanovich actively engaged in scientific and pedagogical work. At 1981 successfully defended his PhD thesis at the Kazakh State University, and in 1992 - his doctoral dissertation at St. Petersburg State University on "The Theory of Economic Contradictions: the evolution and development of the problem." Author of over 140 scientific publications, seven monographs.