Kuralbek Sadibaevich
Close researcher in the field of chemical and food technology, Doctor of Chemistry (1995), Professor (1996), academician of the International Academy of Engineering, National Engineering Academy of Kazakhstan, the International Higher Education Academy of Sciences and the National Academy of Sciences of Higher School of Kazakhstan, Honorary Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan, honorary Dr. Andong national University (South Korea), honorary professor of Moscow state University of food production. Rector of Almaty University of Technology since 1996
Born February 23, 1943, p. Usharal Talas district Zhambyl region. In 1967 he graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry of Kazakh State University named after S.M. Kirov, in 1972 - the graduate school of the University with a master's thesis.
The results of years of research, KS Kulazhanov summarized in his doctoral dissertation on the topic "The reactions of the directed transformation policy and bicyclic hydrocarbons, nitro compounds and arilatsetilenovyh and their practical use", which he successfully defended in 1995
His scientific achievements are published in 424 scientific papers, 26 patents awarded (prepatents) and 15 copyright certificates on inventions.
K.S. Kulazhanov made a significant contribution to the training of highly qualified scientific personnel: under his leadership, reserved two doctoral theses and seven.
K.S. Kulazhanov awarded the Order of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Kurmet" (2004), commemorative medals "Kazakstan Respublikasynyң tәuelsіzdіgіne 10 zhyl" (2001), "Kazakhstan Konstitutsiyasyna 10 zhyl" (2005), Medal of the trade union of workers of education and science of RK "Bilim zhane Gylym қyzmetkerlerіnің kәsіpodaғyna sіңіrgen enbegi ushin "(2007), marks" Excellence in education of the Republic of Kazakhstan "(1996)," Madeniet kairatkeri "(2006).
He has the honorary title of "Kazakhstan Yenbek sіңіrgen kairatkeri" (1998). Marked thanked President NA Nazarbayev (2004, 2005).
Due to its business and intellectual qualities, KS Kulazhanov deservedly enjoys great prestige in the education system and in the scientific world, both in the country and far beyond its borders.