Born November 7, 1951 in Kazygurt district of South Kazakhstan region.
In 1975 he graduated from the journalism faculty of Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi. In 1975-1987 he worked as a correspondent of the department of literature and art, head of the department, a member of the editorial board of the newspaper "Egemen Kazakhstan", in 1987-1990 he held the post of instructor, Head of the Sector of Culture of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan, in 1990-1995 Adviser, lecturer, deputy head of the department of culture and international relations, deputy, first deputy department of internal policy in the Office of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, held the position of first Deputy Minister of culture of Kazakhstan in 1995-1997, and in 1997-2000 - the post of first vice-president of the republic Corporation "Kazakhstan teledidary radiosy changed."
He was appointed President of the Republican newspaper "Egemen Kazakhstan" in 2000. In 2003-2004 he was the Minister of Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Since July 2004 - President of JSC Republican newspaper "Egemen Kazakhstan", March 20, 2016 was elected to the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
S. Abdrakhmanov - author of the books "Our Pushkin" (1999), "Tauelsizdik shezhіresі" (2001), "Eldіk sons" (2003), "Adamzat kүntіzbesі" (2004), "The Koran and Pushkin" (2006), "Zhiyrmasynshy ғasyr zhyrlaydy "(anthology of Kazakh poetry, 2 volumes) (2007)," Tөltuma teltuma Men "(2007)," Calendar of mankind "(2007)," translation of poetry and the translation of poetry "(2008). He also translated the Arabic folk novel "Beybarys" (2000) and the famous work of Victor Hugo's "Les Misérables" (2009).
Journalistic work S. Abdrakhmanov noted the Union of Cinematographers of Kazakhstan Prize (1974), Award of the Republican Youth Bulkysheva B. (1981), Prize of the Union of Journalists of Kazakhstan (1982), the Presidential Award in Journalism (2000), breastplate "Journalist of the Year" (2006 ). In 1998 he was awarded the title "Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan", the Order "Parasat" was awarded in 2005. Also, he was awarded medals "Astana" (1998) zhane "Kazakhstan Respublikasy tәuelsіzdіgіne - 10 zhyl" (2002), Medal of the Russian Academy of verbal art "Adherent of Enlightenment" (2006), "For Prace i zvityagyu" medal of Ukraine (2007).