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Invites the faculty of Oriental studies


On May 30, 2020 at 12.00 in the al-Farabi Kazakh National University, the Faculty of Oriental studies holds the annual traditional «Alumni Meeting» in online format. The participation of distinguished graduates of the faculty of different years, representatives of government agencies, representatives of government agencies, foreign diplomats, working in the development of Oriental studies in the country, in the field of journalism on the national channels, including the Ministry of foreign Affairs of the republic, in Security, teaching staff and students of the faculty is planned.

The event will be held on the Microsoft Teams platform.

Contacts for communication: +7 747 341 1591, Shynar Yerlanovna, Deputy Dean of educational, methodical and curriculum work




On May 30, 2020 at 12.00 in the al-Farabi Kazakh National University, the Faculty of Oriental studies holds the annual traditional «Alumni Meeting» in online format. The participation of distinguished graduates of the faculty of different years, representatives of government agencies, representatives of government agencies, foreign diplomats, working in the development of Oriental studies in the country, in the field of journalism on the national channels, including the Ministry of foreign Affairs of the republic, in Security, teaching staff and students of the faculty is planned.

The event will be held on the Microsoft Teams platform.

Contacts for communication: +7 747 341 1591, Shynar Yerlanovna, Deputy Dean of educational, methodical and curriculum work








Зав.кафедрой. Время он-лайн встречи





1 Кафедра БлижнегоВостока и Южной Азии


Сулейменов Пірімбек Мұханбетұлы

30 мая.

11.00 час.

 Онлайн платформа: ZOOM


Идентификатор конференции: 713 9519 3573


Ссылка: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/71395193573?pwd=bW52RFRtOTU5UkY5RnV4eWQ3UTVMQT09


2Кафедра «Тюрксой»




30 мая.

11.00 час.

 Онлайн платформа: ZOOM


Идентификатор конференции: 738 4157 9848





3 Кафедра китаеведения


Фарида Оразақынқызы

30 мая


 ОНЛАЙН Платформа ZOOM

Идентификатор конференции: 325 756 14 31




 392 475 5897

4 Кафедра Дальнего Востока


Ем Наталья  Борисовна

30 мая.11:00 час.

 Онлайн платформа: ZOOM

Логин: 737 4766 7341





Заседание Совета выпускников факультета


Палтөре Ықтияр Молдатөреұлы

30 мая.

12.00 час.


Microsoft Teams

 +7 7473411591



Date of publication: 5/28/2020